
Spirit, rain, flood into our thirsty hearts again.

Sorry. Im not keeping up with these blogs! I think im taking a break from twitter and facebook, so i may post little thoughts. Thought right now, and explanation behind the title: The presence of God.
We, as a church, say "Speak, Lord!" And expect a voice. We say "Get Ready For Revival!" Like it's Christmas, coming just around the corner.
What's stopping us? What's hindering revival? God? Heck no. It's like power. And by power, i mean electricity. If a light switch in a house isnt turned on, does that mean there's no power flowing to it? Again, heck no!
Just because we arent using the power doesnt mean it's not there. God's speaking, we're just not listening.
My challenge to myself lately has been to pray for me to hear...not for God to speak.

Whoever's reading this...I hope you hear from God.

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1 comment:

  1. wow. this post has pierced my soul in the most beautiful way. thank you. God has used you.
