
If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain....=D

Well shoot. It' s still Summer! And I had about a bajillion dreams last night...ranging from going up on stage to audition for something and having NO idea whatsoever to sing or use as a monologue... to being asked to babysit in my old neighborhood and not being able to find it (which is strange, because I think I know where I used to live, duh!)
So I think I'm dealing with being emotionally lost lately. That's what it seems, anyway. Not being in control and looking for the answers SOMEWHERE.
And with that, I'm content with the hand of God on my life. I KNOW I don't have to worry about where I'm going, because I was thought about a SUPER LONG TIME AGO and his thoughts for me outnumber the grains of sand on the entire earth.
Which makes me feel pretty dang special, not gonna lie.
So that's my rant (yes, Kyra, I have them too) for the day and I'm ready to relinquish control of my life to the awesome omnipotent omnipresent God.

And now time for randomness!!!

I stole this from Morgan (te he he!)
1. I love...life. summer. rain. chocolate mousse. Jesus. many more things I can't think of right now

2. Right now I want... I don't know what I want. Peace. Not in our war, but in myself!
3. I feel like... going to the pool; sadly, we don't have one.
4. I hate it when... people don't listen to me. they treat me like i'm stupid and don't know anything.
5. I fear... nail files. winks. pointy knives POINTED at me!
6. I'm lonely without...my friends. my siblings. my parents.
7. I need... something to eat. my tummy is grumbly =D
8. Today I... feel pretty good. it'll be a good day.
9. Tomorrow I... will probably do nothing.
10. I just...want people to understand the way I feel about dating. NOBODY DOES!
11. I want to meet...Jesus? The list goes on and on after that.
12. I'm hungry for... fruit. Maybe some watermelon or a good honeydew.
13. I love it when...it rains in the summer.
14. I'm afraid of... God has not given me a spirit of fear =]
15. I'm listening to... Somebody watching Oswald in the background and of course THE MINI Ts!
16. I'm wearing... my Police tour 2008 shirt and tiny heart boxers. Pajamas, obviously.
17. I wish I was in...Georgia. Or the mountains.
18. I'm craving... I think you already asked this. But I want watermelon. STILL.
19. I want to get...my permit
20. I can...enjoy life.
21. I can't... re-live the past.
22. I have...BEEN living in the past.
23. I haven't... been camping. been to california. had an energy drink. there are many things I haven't done!
24. I'm nervous to... find the one?
25. My Mom thinks I'm...sassy? I have no idea.
26.. My Dad thinks I'm... a little over-the-top sometimes.
27. I think... They're right....about 25% of the time.
28. I'm happy when... Everybody else is happy.
29. I'm sad when....I read depressing books.
30. I like eating... WATERMELON! fo sho!! (dude. that's morgan's answer. so i'm keeping it.)
31. I hate eating... raIsins. peppers.
32. I love watching... CSI, Lost, The Office, good musicals...
33. I love listening to... music. period.
34. I like playing.... xbox? and i guess volleyball. OR HORSESHOES! Even though Amelia learned that I stink.
35. I hate waking up to.... screaming. of the siblings.
37. I'm glad that.... I have somewhere to live.
(I have no idea why these are different colors. THEY'RE NOT GOING AWAY!!!)
38. I'm disappointed that...Jessica's ignoring me. But life goes on!
39. I look like...myself?
40. I wish I looked like... I'm good with how I look.


I la-la-la-la-la love you, Cannibal Queen!

If she ever left me, I'd break down and die
Like Nikki and P, you could bury me alive... <--over there Okay. Elijah had this realization that the line above (up there ^) could be a reference to LOST. Which is crazy. But anyway.


just thought i'd say that. It feels good to think that I have nothing to do. No bio Q and A's to write, no monologues to memorize, no essays to write, no chapters to read, no waking up early, no freaking out because i didn't wake up early, no more Vatzlavik, no more Perez, no more sweaty self defense....the list goes on and on.
Yet I know that Summer time is the time I eat the most. The time i feel most lonely. The time I feel the most white (don't EVEN say anything). The time when I read a bajillion books a day.
Like the summer after eighth grade when I read the ENTIRE The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book series in one week.
So to start out this summer adventure, I'm going to read Marley and Me. Yes, I know. I'm bringing tissues with me. And I'm finishing the Christy Miller series. Maybe I'll sit out in the sun and read so a tan can be brought forth!

So the reason I put Cannibal Queen as the title was that I just got done vacuuming while listening to...
(p.s. I'm really excited. Emily bought me a MINI T's t-shirt for my birthday. PSYCHED!)
anyway. I also started catching up on my CSI: NY. I haven't watched it in like three weeks, so I'm almost finished catching up, actually.

The Always Lovely Leah

(yes, it's my new thing. deal.)

p.s.-I like Kyra's glasses. Very...snazzy?
p.p.s- Monologues went alright, I got a high B.
p.p.p.s-I did this exact same thing in Marianne's yearbook. I think I got to like eight p's.



Randomness from the past couple days...
  • I found two verses in Proverbs that frown upon winking. Aundi is screwed mwahaha!
  • I'm memorizing two monologues at the same time, and it's gonna be entertaining to watch me perform them tomorrow. In a bad way.
  • Tommy's still in the whole "I love you" thing. What the heck, Tommy?
  • I just remembered how in Spanish & English substitutes would always say "Thomas?" and we'd both say here. I'm a little blonde like that. Sorry. And we were always like RIGHT next to each other in attendance. ST and TH? Yup.
  • Matt (Shanor) just left for Alaska, then he's moving to Wyoming. And I've been having too many dreams to be healthy about him lately. STUH-RANGE.
  • I got a Broadway Fake Sheet Music book with 720+ songs. Should last me all summer.
  • Amelia is in love with the miniature--I mean...MINI Ts. Success.
  • I'm putting off memorization of monologues. Sorry Mr. P & Evvie.
  • Dr. Bundi is officially my hero. I think she makes me laugh like ALL the time.
  • Matt (Dejong) still isn't selling me his crap. Seriously. You're not just like "hey i'm ga-WAIT I'M STRAIGHT! I'M A STRAIGHT VIRGIN!"
  • I just quoted Charlie Brown. Nuff said.
  • I thought I lost my vanilla chapstick but I didn't. I might have cried.
  • I've been listening to the MINI Ts and Relient K all day.
  • I really wanna go swimming or something right now. But considering it's 8:00 on a Tuesday night and it's 56 degress, I don't think it's happening
  • My mom is skilled at math. Sometimes I dislike her, but sometimes she makes me laugh.
  • My feet are really cold.
  • I'm gonna miss my English class. Mrs. Holladay was the shiz. I think that's the first and last tiem I will ever say shiz.
  • Which reminds me of grinding for some reazon. Shiz and...jizz, perhaps? Since all the guys grinding are....okay nuff said there. Mind just went into a place where it DID NOT wanna be!
  • Which reminds me AGAIN.
  • That's my oath.
  • My text won't get out of bold. So you're gonna deal.
I'm gonna go work on my monologues now. Should be...uhh...fruitful? Maybe texting Tommy since he's probably sleeping. Or playing Halo. He has no life.



The Always Lovely Leah

p.s.-I think that should be my new signature or something.


Leah's super cynical theatre II review!

Okay...so everybody in the world will hate me when they read this.
So since Kyra and Amelia are both my super insane editors...or i guess not, whatever!
Read it. Tell me if it's too mean to turn in.

On April 30th, 2009, I attended Sweet Charity, written by Neil Simon, with music by Cy Coleman and lyrics by Dorothy Fields. It was directed by Kylene Hurley and performed in the ThunderRidge High School Theater, including actors such as Mary Nepi, Nathaniel Dolquist, Andrea Wojcik, Emily Clarke, Katie Drinkard, Katie Pierce, Zack Rothey, and Cameron Babcock. The crew consisted of 20 members, while the entire cast contained 33. This play was performed for entertainment, of course!

To briefly summarize this musical, Charity Hope Valentine (Mary Nepi), works with Nickie (Katie Drinkard) and Helene (Andrea Wojcik) in a NY dance hall, under the strict supervision of Herman (Chris Chambers), the dance hall manager. Outside the dance hall, Charity’s innocence is repeatedly taken advantage of various people, such as her boyfriend, who pushes her into a lake and steals her life savings. After this misfortune, she spends the night in the closet of the famous Italian actor, Vittorio Vidal (Zack Rothey). While trying to reorganize her life, the next day she somehow becomes trapped in a blacked out elevator with the claustrophobic tax accountant, Oscar Lindquist (Nathaniel Dolquist), who is also looking for “something”. They attend the Rhythm of Life Church, led by Daddy Brubeck (Cameron Babcock), and romance ensues. They both optimistically face their futures, which is where the play ends.

The talent in this musical production was endless—all of the major roles were played extremely well, the songs were sung with perfect pitch, and the acting was entirely convincing. With this overly talented cast came the lacking crew. The makeup on the taxi dancer girls varied in intensity, considering they all did it themselves and had a theatre mom helping. Their costume crew consisted of two people, which did NOT help the quick costume changes and wig usage. During the song “Rich Man’s Frug”, where the chorus girls wore bright, bob wigs, a few of the girls’ wigs came off, making them stick out like a sore thumb. One of these dancers didn’t realize her wig even came off, leaving a bright pink wig in the middle of the stage and a dancer wearing a wig cap. The run crew then realized this, sending another kid running frantically to center stage, grabbing the wig, and running off. It might not have been so bad if this run crew member was wearing all black, instead of black and white shorts and a black and white shirt. During every transition, run crew was visible. It made the entire production extremely unprofessional and unbelievable. To be even more cynical and whiny, the program pages were out of order, unorganized, and littered with misspellings. The quotes from the cast members sounded unedited and unprofessional. They tried to sound funny, but ended up falling flat on their faces in bad humor.

With all that talent and a brilliant script by the renowned Neil Simon, they were put in a good position for the spring musical. The most known song in this musical, “Big Spender”, was sung with power and choreographed with precision; however, the short dresses worn in this number were just a little too short! A lot of the choreography was suggestive, or actually suggesting they were hookers instead of “taxi dancers”. One really tall dancer literally had lowered herself so low on the dancing bar that the end of her dress came up to her waist, exposing her pantyhose. Their precision in “Rich Man’s Frug” and various other songs was off, always having a few dancers with completely lost expressions while trying to catch up to the rest of the group. Somehow, during “The Rhythm of Life”, the dancers seem to turn it around—the complexity of this dance wasn’t very great, but the group was completely together in movement and stayed in character perfectly. During intermission, the dancers came into the audience, costume and all, handing out flowers and “spreading the love”.

Overall, the technical aspect of everything was lacking. The talent helped me overcome this disappointment, but only for a few seconds. I was entertained with the dialogue and amused with the hilarious one liners, but hung out to dry during most of the musical numbers. The #1 thing that REALLY pushed my buttons was the one featured dancer that didn’t take off his plastic bracelets while playing a hippie, a doorman, AND a grumpy old man. The un-professionalism of this play really ruined it for me, and left a bad taste in my mouth. The vocals and pit made me want to go and buy the broadway soundtrack, which somehow made it remotely worthwhile. As you can see, I really didn’t enjoy this mediocre performance of a well-known play.

If you read this and give me feedback, I think I just might give you candy.


The Perfect Tailor

I know, I've posted two blogs today. But this just needed to be said! First,
  • Congrats to Amelia for getting her blog up and running. I'm proud
  • I've officially read three short books today, wrote a monologue, and found the perfect Neil Simon Monologue Book. I think it just might be "Leah's Audition Bible"
  • I'm listening to the Sinatra-Style AOL radio channel...and MICHAEL BUBLE CAME ON!!
  • I was also listening to the Broadway channel and McElligot's pool came on! WOO!
  • Tommy's still convinced he loves me. *Sigh*
  • Today sucked and was turned around by my psychiatrist, Aundi Ramirez
With my psychiatrist, I was talking about Love. Knowing you're in love, people not knowing what it is...
So I told her "most of the people that say they're in love really aren't and don't know what it is. People think I'm not open-minded by saything that...and not dating.
Because I won't know what I want...but I think I'll know it when I meet him"

so she replied with the most brilliant, thought envoking response
"I think you will too.
And you're much wiser than other people because they have the superficial idea that they need to try people on to see if they fit.
You're trusting your Tailor to have made the perfect dress for you.
I think that takes a lot of faith and I believe God will reward you for that."

Sometimes it's SO hard. You have no idea! Saying "I can't date you...you're not the one. You will never be the one. I'll know him when I meet him"
And saying that, I KNOW for a fact that my reward is waiting somewhere. And one day when I meet him, it'll be...amazing! The perfect fit.
Have you ever noticed that music has evolved to skew the reality of love? To the physicality (don't know if that's a word, but i just used it. HA!) and emotional attachment of loving someone...Compared to music from the 30's and 40's, that was about love returning, or a simple kiss meaning everything in the world. Along with Amelia, I was SUPPOSED to live in the 40's. Doing swing. Listening to Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Peggy Lee, Doris Day, The Ink Spots, The Andrews Sisters....the list is endless. I've become completely engrossed in music of this decade.
I'm pretty sure I have an old soul or something.

Another random note...but there's a band. An AMAZING band i've been listening to lately.
Miniature Tigers
Sorry, they're from current times. They also have a concert Sunday at the Marquis.


The Always Lovely Leah
A.K.A the worth cow

La la la!

So. People. Really Kyra and Morgan...but whatever.

You have to see this. It's so CRAZY but so gross at the same time!

And I just went to Amelia's brother's graduation party...and I didn't know anybody. But we discussed roosters, tootsie pops, and falling in rose bushes.

So. The sneezing video...I "stumbled upon" it. Just go to stumbleupon.com...
And my birthday is...19 days away. Maybe they have a countdown thing...hmm...
Well I'll look into it. And probably write another blog if I'm super pissed or overjoyed at something.


Today. Sucks. Bad.

So...I got a D on my geometry final. Yes, i know. Geometry is not that hard.
But it doesn't help when you have a frickin retarded teacher that doesn't teach like ANYTHING.

This is the amount of people that have A's in our class:

Yes. That's right. There are NO A's. So now I have a C. And I'm still waiting for the Biology results. I'm getting a little anxious right now.

And Tommy is STILL being a frickin stalker/perv/creeper/person-at-suicide-risk.
He's all like "I love you"
then "You should wear bikini bottoms instead of whatever boy cuts or whatever"
then "You probably were dreaming that you had sex with him"
then "I really do love you. You're amazing"
then "Why don't we play strip ping pong?"
then "I'd take off my pants first!"

Which is like no you don't,
uhhh no,
uhhh no,
uhhh no you don't, no i'm not
uhhh definitely not
and you need to frickin grow a pair and keep it in your pants, tommy boy.

i'm ashamed i have the same name as him!

p.s. I found out that my name means...gazelle?
"Biblical name: Hebrew origin, meaning 'Gazelle' which is 'beauty and grace', 'also worthy cow', as in biblical days cows were very valuable and treasured."


So Kyra is my hero

Haha I like how I steal everything Kyra does.
Twitter, blogging, whatnot...
I had a blog once after eighth grade. That didn't end up so well, so I gave it up for hmm... two years. And now I'm back! Because I love Kyra's life as prose poetry. She's awesome!
Too bad we have no classes together. Hmph.

Oh well... there are finals tomorrow. All of my hardest ones. I think I'll treat myself to a five minute chocolate cake afterwards.


the always lovely leah