
Hear the angels cry, singing "Holy is the Lord"

As humans, I think we tend to put limits on things. Quotas, if you will. Past this certian point, things can't happen. After 11 o clock, you have to be home. After you die, that's the end.
Obviously, we don't believe that. We, being 99% of the people who read this blog, I mean.
I feel like I'm truly discovering that God knows no limits. During prayer tonight, which was...indescribable, to those of you who didn't go, I think that's what I've taken away from it.
He knows no bounds. Never ending. Everlasting. Bottomless. Take the deepest point of the ocean and multiply that by infinity, and God's still beyond it.
I was having an argument with Amelia that infinity always relates back to numbers, and that nothing comes after it.
No no, God comes after infinity.
While I was praying,...
mid-script. There's a song by Paramore that says "I scraped my knees while I was praying"...is that not just the best line ever? I don't even know why. I just love it. I listen to that line of the song then skip to the next song. Just that. Anyway.
While I was praying, I absent-mindedly said "God, I wish you knew how much I want you and love you!"
Yet immediately, I felt him say "Leah, I tell you the same thing...but I really know what I'm talking about. I know exactly how much you want me. I want you more."
I keep hearing that song "I love you more than the sun, than the stars that I taught how to shine"
And in my mind, I went through what I knew about God. The basics, I mean.
God is strength.
God is hope.
God is love.
God is compassion.
God is truth.
It got to me that I was saying "God is". Not "God might be" or "God, if he exists, is"
"God IS."
God's strength knows no bounds. God's hope knows no limits. His love for us is...unfathomable. His compassion is SO much more than we could even wrap our minds around. God IS the truth. Nothing else.
I mean, I've learned that before. God's big. But just that....out of 6-something billion people on planet earth, I'm His one. He knows me. He has a love for me. I'm His favorite me.
Again, during prayer, I kept singing
"You were, you are, you will be
You're my friend, You're my Father, I'm your Lovely"
And I cried. A lot. A massive amounts. Just the fact that I'm HIS lovely. Nobody else's.
I'm really at a loss for words right now. I'm so ready to walk in all God has for me.
But this analogy has been running around in my mind since the beginning of prayer.
We're saying "God, move! God, come!"
But it's like....we're in track. We're in our little position to start, waiting for the gun to be fired or whatever they do to start races. That shot's already been fired, but we're waiting for the cue to start running.
Well, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? He fired that shot when you got there. Start running at any time!
Hello! You can run! What kinda gunshot are you waiting for? It was already  fired! We're waiting on you!
I think that's what God's trying to say. We're telling Him "God, stir us up and start a revival!"

And he's simply saying "I already did. You."



1 comment:

  1. Leah I can't get over that one line: "take the deepest part of the ocean, times it by infinity, and God is still beyond that."
    That's so true and AWESOME and I LOVE GOD FOR THAT! It totally goes with my 5minute challenge I did today. God is so good.

    Love, Syd-knee
