
We are crooked souls trying to stand up straight--

Dry eyes in the pouring rain--
the shadow proves the sunshine.

So the lines above (including the title) are what I put for my lyrics on the wall in the guitar room. When you're in guitar II, you sign the wall...with an optional picture and/or lyric. So I drew an orange squid and wrote those lyrics, so it's the first thing you see when you walk in.
"The shadow proves the sunshine" is actually what I put for my quote in eighth grade for my yearbook picture. I didn't fully understand that. I thought oh, like on those days where it's windy and the clouds move really fast and you get those patches of shadows...and it's like when you're in the shadow, you feel like the rest of wherever you are is too! But it's not.
And I guess that covers the corners of the quote. In eighth grade, it's like I thought my backyard was as big as the world got. Well, God, thanks for tearing down the fences!
I was talking to Aaron (not the Pastor. The other one.) last weekend about what I should put up there. He kept suggesting things and I was like "No, I want people to read my name and the lyric and think of who I am."
I came across that song on itunes and was like YEESSSS!!! Because I find that to be me exactly. Except for the middle line. I'm not exactly sure what "dry eyes in the pouring rain" implies, but I like the way it sounds.

So there's one thing that kinda relates to this that I've been thinking about A LOT lately. Remember the blog I wrote about the dumb t-shirts that say pain is weakness leaving the body? Yeah, if you don't, go find it!
But this time it's cold weather. Living in Colorado, it's gonna be cold. From....maybe October to April, SOLID. There may be other cold days or warm days among the freezing, but it's gonna be cold! And everybody hates it. But if you've lived in the 303 for at least a year, you should be used to it. We complain and complain....
And another thing. Pain. It's like without pain, we wouldn't know what comfort feels like. I don't even think that the word comfort would be invented! To know what comfort is, we have to experience pain.
To know what warmth is, we have to feel cold. To know what true happiness is, we have to experience sorrow. Or actually, to find what TRUE happiness is, we have to experience our own little piece of false happiness.
With all of these opposites, I realized something. The pain, the cold, the sorrow...it lets us know that we're human. Not just that we're human, but that we can't do it alone. It may seem as if you're the only person that gets the extra helping of pain and sorrow, but it helps you to count it all joy...does that make sense?
God is our true warmth. Our true comfort. Our true happiness. He IS the truth. To experience the truth, we have to find lies. And what do you know, we live amongst them! How many lies are we being fed everyday? Too many, I think.
So back to the point...the shadow proves the sunshine. If shadow never existed, we would take sunshine for granted. God found the perfect balance of sunshine and shadow, just so we could appreciate it. Like living in the United States, for example. We take democracy for granted. We could have a dictator, yet that's something we never think about. What about the people that HAVE lived under a dictator? They probably thank God for it everyday.
On that subject...I've been thanking God for waking me up lately. I'm making it a habit...when I don't want to leave my bed and get up at 5 stinkin 40, it could be my last day. It could be a day that my life changes. It could be the day the world ends. It could be the day my friend has her baby. It could be the day my fish days. You never know. Each day is a gift. It may not be the striped zebra print snuggie you've always wanted, but it's a blanket. Just a blanket. At least you got a gift, right?
So my challenge to you...appreciate the sunshine. Savor happiness. Love warmth. But when the complete opposite comes, it's with purpose.
And if you're ever cold, sorrow-filled, and in the shadow, think of babies with moustaches. It WILL make you laugh. Every. Time.

6 blogs until the 100th blog post....

1 comment:

  1. the whole "Dry eyes in the pouring rain", well that speaks to me. You don't understand it, but to me it means this: that when the world is crashing down around you, it's raining, it's cloudy and gray, you're not a part of that. God has set you apart. He's given you those dry eyes, so your not crying or experiencing pain while the rain pours. It's like comedic relief, if you will.
    Or it could mean that it's spring time and allergies are kicking in :)
