
Why Is Everything So Hard?

Dusting off the blogger due to Mahlet's inspiration. Ahem.

If I could count the number of times I've asked myself/God/Johnny in a deep conversation why everything is so hard, I'd need some sort of calculator.....and I'm pretty good at counting.
This phrase is usually uttered in the midst of a pity party, caused by the straw that not only broke the camel's back, but also caused the camel to re-evaluate his life, as well.
And if I had an answer to why life is so hard, I'd be rollin in the dough earned by an award-winning self-help book. 
I don't know if it's just me, but I feel as thought trouble and trial come paired together in a snowball; A snowball that seems small and manageable to push at first, but turns into a terrorizing, out of control ball of death right on your heels. I complain to Johnny, "life never gets any easier" and as if to answer my own question, I think, "Why would it?"
When you're the first kid to lose a tooth (without having any knowledge about the matter), wouldn't you be FREAKING OUT?
Like, oh my goodness, MY TEETH ARE COMING OUT. How am I gonna chew? How am I gonna make friends? Nobody likes a toothless kid....I'm never gonna be successful. Have you ever seen a doctor or an astronaut with NO TEETH?

How many people will tell you to stop freaking out, new ones will grow in? A couple. 
How many people will get SO excited? Seriously EVERYBODY.
It's a milestone. It shows growth. And when all the teeth have fallen out, you're grown.
This metaphor/analogy/parable could go on for years. But I think you get the point.
Difficulty in life shouldn't be looked at with fear and shame. It should be anticipated and even celebrated...it shows growth. So why should it get any easier? Why would I WANT it to get easier? So I can stop growing and be complacent?
Sometimes you have to be the first kid to lose a tooth...to show the younger ones that it's nothing out of the ordinary. This happens to everybody who grows. It's good, it's healthy.
So many people will learn from you being the "first" to experience something.
With that, I end with a little thing that always makes me feel better.
The Bible says, "when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."I have no option of giving up. I can either wallow in fear, confusion, and self-pity, THEN get up and keep going....OR I can just keep going. Why would I waste time wallowing when I can get ahead?

Difficulty brings growth...usually a whole lot faster than anticipated.


1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you today. I may be reading this a couple months late, but the timing is perfect as always.

    I heard a quote a while ago that went something like "faith is the knowledge that you will understand it all in hindsight." I know you know this, so keep it up lovely.
