
Draw Me Deeper

Hmmm. So. Wonderful night in Activate. And I know you're like, "GASPITY GASP, LEAH IS POSTING TWICE IN ONE DAY????"
Calm yourselves, faithful readers, for I bring good news!
Well, there's always good news. We're forgiven. Woo!
So, when I got into writing this blog, it went through many a name change. I don't even remember all of them. But Elevation became the title after a one word prophecy from Pastor Aaron. It stuck, as you can tell....for a year. I think I might change it though. With most things (like literal height), one can only be so elevated. On Earth, it's until you hit the atmosphere dividing us from space.
For me, I can imagine space. Heck, I've seen pictures. Many a picture. Soooo glad I dropped Astronomy next semester. There are billions of galaxies, stars, planets....and stuff I don't even know about. What's crazy is that God looks at that like it's his masterpiece. Another thing that's CRAZY crazy is that we can't even COMPREHEND how beautiful, how unfathomably (word? I think so. Oh well) large all of His creation is. Agh. To me, that's...incredible.
But I've had a certain infatuation with the ocean. I love sailboats, I love sand, I'm pretty crazy about fish (considering I tell people I have a boyfriend and he sleeps next to me in a glass vase, I'm thinking that's a good enough reason) and I appreciate sunsets over water. I've kind of always wanted to go scuba diving, just because the ocean to me is just...endless. To a person, a 5'4 teenage girl, the ocean could swallow me up whole...people could look for me for YEARS and still not find me.
When I was little, I would submerge my toys in the bathtub until they would stay under...why I did this, I have no idea. The air bubbles would come out of the toy violently and quickly at first, almost forcing my hand off of it, then slowly until it stayed completely under water.
As I'm getting more and more into God, I believe that's what He's doing. Forcing me into a place I've never known before, where I have to stop functioning the way I know how. BELIEVE ME (Seriously. BELIEVE ME!), I've experienced this a lot recently. When I first committed my life to Christ, all or nothing, all the air left. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't easy, but I was slowly submerging myself into His Glory, His Power, His Mercy....Him. Just when I think that there's no more air left, there's more to rid myself of to get closer to Him.  I want to be able to be completely submerged. There's STILL air.
There are those songs that talking about drowning in somebody's love....i.e Sara Bareilles' "Gravity"--"I never wanted anything so much, than to drown in your love and not feel your rain." This time, I mean it. I want my lungs to be filled with Him.

Every breath I take will be Him, every note I sing will be His breath, and the Water that's filled me up will pour out again.


  1. I am so inspired by this. I can relate so much to this... I'm drowning in His ocean size love

  2. I love this Leah! And I LOVE your new layout! You write so beautifully! And we all could do a lil more drowning in his love (=
