
We are the righteous, Your creation.

I'm sorry if you're one of the people disappointed by my absence.
It's weird how people work.
I guess I'm saying it's weird how I work...since I've only ever been myself.
I had a lovely conversation with the lovely, lovely Emnet today. Which brings up a little subject which I will talk about then move on! It's crazy how much what you say can influence somebody, especially if you're like "hey, I like the way you do this" or even "I like this about you. That may sound weird."
Johnny was talking about it in drama today...how you don't realize how much something you do, some little tiny thing, can change the way somebody thinks completely. It makes it all worth it, in a way.
What's funny, and I don't mean to make Emnet feel like a creep or anything, but she's the second person that can quote me to myself. Sydney is the first, but she doesn't do it much anymore.
I'm back to blogging because of them, so if you find them, be sure to hug them (hopefully) or slap them across the face and be all "WHY DID YOU LET HER COME BACK?" in which case, you probably shouldn't be reading this. Anyway.
I started this blog because I felt like it. If you go back to my first post, it was May when I was a sophomore. We're comin up on two years, and I've changed SO much. How could one tiny thing done on a whim change somebody's mind so much? I used to use it as an outlet for emotions. If I felt something, oh boy, were you gonna hear about it!
But I feel like there's much more responsibility in writing blogs now. People ACTUALLY listen to what I say. I suppose this shocks me because I still feel like the same insecure 14 year old who started this blog. I don't remember what it was called at first, but it's evolved into elevation and stayed that way.
I guess I don't post as much because I don't feel like I have anything important to say. I'm saving up (minimum wage pays SO well, dontchaknow) for a laptop, so maybe I'll do vlogs just talking to you guys. I've been thinking about doing one of my testimony for some time now, since I don't tell many people, so that may happen!
If you'd ever like to donate to "leah's vlog fund," I accept cash. Personal checks, too, but if you give me a personal check, I'll lecture you on how only dinosaurs use personal checks and they're a pain in the BUTT for retail employees.
There's so much power in words, and I used to take that for granted....especially when talking about God.
I have difficulty writing, because words could never express how I feel about Him. Tears can't express, lifted hands can't express, bowed knees can't express just how crazy I am about Him.

I was gonna write a blog about space and the greatness of our God, but I'll save that for tomorrow.
I love you guys, and I appreciate the time you put into reading my blog. Thank you so much for encouraging me to write, because it challenges me to come up with things to write about! I guess it's God's way of making sure I really learned stuff that he taught me.
I also REALLY love when you leave comments.
What's weird about me is I also like hearing criticism....I mean, I don't like hearing criticism, and it's taken me a lot of time and tears to get to this place, but I appreciate it.
So. Sorry for prolonging the ending.

Lovely Leah


  1. So I am following you because I love reading every one of your entries. I'm thankful to have come across your fullfilling blog. God Bless always. [:

  2. Leah I just love you! (and your WONDERFUL hugs now that I know what they are like!) I have seen you grow SO much in the (not even) year that I have actually begun to know you and you are amazing!! Darling, just amazing!
