
You say You want all of me, I wouldn't have it any other way

Gosh, I hate the term worry-wart (mostly because warts are gross, ew)...but it sometimes describes me perfectly. And I hate it. When everything seems to push me at the same time, I worry about things that are completely beyond my control, then I get all irritable and it always ends in a puddle of tears. As much as I love crying, I don't.
I have to be constantly reminded that everything is beyond my control and will work for good, no matter how deep the pit or how dark the cave. And when I say constantly, I mean like 10,000,000 times a day. At least I'm aware of it, right?
I'm sorry for the really short posts lately. Just little tidbits for y'all.
Worrying is no way to solve anything! I'd give you a bible verse about worry, but there's like a bajillion of them. So. Maybe some other time.

Official countdown to ORU is 11 days, for all the people who seem to ask. Worried, terrified, excited...you know. That's me.



  1. I'm with you on the whole why-do-we-call-it-worry-worts-because-that's-gross deal. :) I'm a worrier too. It's the worst.

    Let's just take a big, deep breath together, shall we?? :)

  2. I hate to admit it but I worry a lot too... Sometimes I feel like it's affecting my health because worry is the only thing I think about. Isn't that awful? Anyway... I think that we should both learn how to "let go and let God". I also know that every time you're in a bad situation, I know that God wouldn't let go through, unless He knows that you can't. So think of your challenges are a compliment from God :]
