
If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain....=D

Well shoot. It' s still Summer! And I had about a bajillion dreams last night...ranging from going up on stage to audition for something and having NO idea whatsoever to sing or use as a monologue... to being asked to babysit in my old neighborhood and not being able to find it (which is strange, because I think I know where I used to live, duh!)
So I think I'm dealing with being emotionally lost lately. That's what it seems, anyway. Not being in control and looking for the answers SOMEWHERE.
And with that, I'm content with the hand of God on my life. I KNOW I don't have to worry about where I'm going, because I was thought about a SUPER LONG TIME AGO and his thoughts for me outnumber the grains of sand on the entire earth.
Which makes me feel pretty dang special, not gonna lie.
So that's my rant (yes, Kyra, I have them too) for the day and I'm ready to relinquish control of my life to the awesome omnipotent omnipresent God.

And now time for randomness!!!

I stole this from Morgan (te he he!)
1. I love...life. summer. rain. chocolate mousse. Jesus. many more things I can't think of right now

2. Right now I want... I don't know what I want. Peace. Not in our war, but in myself!
3. I feel like... going to the pool; sadly, we don't have one.
4. I hate it when... people don't listen to me. they treat me like i'm stupid and don't know anything.
5. I fear... nail files. winks. pointy knives POINTED at me!
6. I'm lonely without...my friends. my siblings. my parents.
7. I need... something to eat. my tummy is grumbly =D
8. Today I... feel pretty good. it'll be a good day.
9. Tomorrow I... will probably do nothing.
10. I just...want people to understand the way I feel about dating. NOBODY DOES!
11. I want to meet...Jesus? The list goes on and on after that.
12. I'm hungry for... fruit. Maybe some watermelon or a good honeydew.
13. I love it when...it rains in the summer.
14. I'm afraid of... God has not given me a spirit of fear =]
15. I'm listening to... Somebody watching Oswald in the background and of course THE MINI Ts!
16. I'm wearing... my Police tour 2008 shirt and tiny heart boxers. Pajamas, obviously.
17. I wish I was in...Georgia. Or the mountains.
18. I'm craving... I think you already asked this. But I want watermelon. STILL.
19. I want to get...my permit
20. I can...enjoy life.
21. I can't... re-live the past.
22. I have...BEEN living in the past.
23. I haven't... been camping. been to california. had an energy drink. there are many things I haven't done!
24. I'm nervous to... find the one?
25. My Mom thinks I'm...sassy? I have no idea.
26.. My Dad thinks I'm... a little over-the-top sometimes.
27. I think... They're right....about 25% of the time.
28. I'm happy when... Everybody else is happy.
29. I'm sad when....I read depressing books.
30. I like eating... WATERMELON! fo sho!! (dude. that's morgan's answer. so i'm keeping it.)
31. I hate eating... raIsins. peppers.
32. I love watching... CSI, Lost, The Office, good musicals...
33. I love listening to... music. period.
34. I like playing.... xbox? and i guess volleyball. OR HORSESHOES! Even though Amelia learned that I stink.
35. I hate waking up to.... screaming. of the siblings.
37. I'm glad that.... I have somewhere to live.
(I have no idea why these are different colors. THEY'RE NOT GOING AWAY!!!)
38. I'm disappointed that...Jessica's ignoring me. But life goes on!
39. I look like...myself?
40. I wish I looked like... I'm good with how I look.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I wish you looked like a zebra.

    Or something witty that is not that. Sorry, I can't come up with anything!
