
Arms Open Wiiiiddeee

Hmm...what to say, what to say?
Tommy's ticking me off as usual.
What else is new.
I've been listening to [a_CROSS/ /the_EARTH] : : TEAR DOWN THE WALLS pretty much all day. I love Hillsong United. If they ever had a show in Colorado, I just might die.
Anyway...It's time for "Leah's bullets which update the world"
  • I can't remember a time when I didn't love pretzels. I've been raised to love them. Sticks, sourdough, regular...anything. I love them. I'm eating them right now...
  • I've had to pee like ten times today. That doesn't usually happen. Which leads me to my next POINT *wink wink* get it? point? bullet? no. okay...
  • Over the summer I eat WAY too much, but always drink a BUTTLOAD amount of water every day. So in the winter I have no belly, in the summer....it's definitely there. Shouldn't it be the opposite?
  • 8 days until I turn 16. Really 9, but today doesn't count since it's almost over and all.
  • Which means...Amelia turns 16 in 11 days, but really 10 since it's almost over.
  • My psychiatrist and I had a four hour text conversation yesterday. I gotta say...I loves da Dr. Bundi. And I always hate it when she says "Hind sight's 20/20, right?" because I think that's like my life motto. Anyway...
  • I've read four books so far this summer. Which is like... a week long of summer. At this rate...I could read like forty. NOT HAPPENING.
  • Corresponding with the last bullet, I checked out a buncha Nicholas Sparks books. The one I just finished this morning had an original plot line, but the ending kinda sucked.
  • I'm reading fast food nation. It made me want to eat french fries. I don't think that's a healthy reaction...although I'm only through the marketing bad part of McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, etc.
  • I haven't worn makeup in three days. This might be a record. My face feels so...bare. Oh well.
  • Back to the Tommy. He just REALLY knows how to push my buttons. I've been told I'm a very compassionate person, making me easy to manipulate and end up stepping on. It seems to happen every time. I know how Tommy feels (which is actually lonely, believe it or not) and I've TOTALLY dealt with that. If there's anybody who knows the solution and will freely share it, it's ME! But of course, when I give him advice or say "Go look this up in the bible, he never does." I DON'T JUST GIVE OUT ADVICE LIKE FREE CANDY!
  • Okay well I guess I do, but it's not candy. It's more like...brushing your teeth. Sometimes you REALLY don't wanna do it, but in the end you know life will be much better with it.
  • That was an Amelia/Kyra inspired analogy. I was proud. Anyway...
So. He really needs to decide that if he wants to "love" me (and I quote it because I know he doesn't) he needs to LOVE all of me. Every nook and cranny of my soul, every bad side of my personality, my quick-to-cry eyes, my obnoxious laugh...and yet he hardly knows me at all.

And this was the guy I had my sights on the fall of Freshman year, in 3rd period English.

One of those times when I say...
[for the record, I was not on drugs at the time (Fall last year), althought it may seem like it]

Anyway. I'll probably have more bullets tomorrow or something.

Wait a sec. Why do people always say peace then their name?

Like, really? Are you going to solve the world's problems by telling people peace?
"I think I'm gonna go punch a puppy. Wait...Leah's signature told me 'peace.' Maybe I should go pick flowers instead"
"I think we'll declare war on a country."
"Hold on, Mr. Dictator, Leah used the word 'peace' in her signature. We cannot do that. Why don't we put on our flowy dresses and pass around the old peace pipe?"

Nuff Said.

-The Always Lovely Leah


  1. i have decided to give you a talky-thing. Leah, this is probably the most hilarious blog i have ever read. and suprisingly its... deep? I loved it. Dont forget to be my tipsy-buddy!

  2. awww thank you! Im sorry but i borrowed your little bullet thing :( forgive me!
