
We the Redeemed (hear us singing)

You are Holy,
You are Holy.
I think I've written this first sentence over and over again. I can't decide what to say. I think I was going to say something about...music? Yes...music.
I tend to consider myself a lover of music. Or at least, I appreciate it. After writing my official homecoming blog, I had a day and conversations to go along with it. Unlike Morgan, I'm not cool enough to save my text message conversations to put in my blog. Sorry, Morgle. And even though I can't read sheet music to save my life, I can read tabs! Woop de woop for guitar!
But the homecoming pep rally seems to always convince me that I don't belong in high school. Sure, in my mental development, I belong there, but not spiritually.
During the lunch competition on Thursday, three girls (pretty much the only black girls in our school) had a "jerk" competition. You know, the song? The jerk? The retarded dance that nobody seems to know how to do? Yeah. I had never heard the ACTUAL song in my entire life, but I was taught the dance on Sunday. I've gotten pretty good at doing the dance, but the song just bugs the crap out of me!
At the end of the assembly, the upperclassmen (yours truly, FINALLY) rushed onto the gym floor for the "Cupid Shuffle".
thank you Sonia for the correction, I wasn't even getting the name right. Somebody needs to be more precise when speaking.
I still, to this very moment, have NO idea what the Cupid shuffle is. But apparently everyone else does. Just imagine being in the middle of a LARGE group of people doing the electric slide, and you're just standing there. Yup, almost got trampled.
After feeling lame and being verbally slapped across the face for not knowing this popular dance, I was happy. I was content with my state.
Sure, I don't listen to gospel music 100% of the time, but every day I get closer to ridding my mind of thoughts from secular music. That's probably one of the biggest reasons I don't go to homecoming. People have NO taste in music. Whatever's popular, they play. Whatever you can grind to, they play. Whatever gets the gym the sweatiest (not in a work-out-excercise kinda way...eeewwwww), they play. And, I'm not much of a dancer, when I hear music I like, the first thing that my arms want to do is to worship. And worshiping to secular music isn't exactly acceptable. Actually, it's unacceptable. It's like eating something really gross when you've had prime rib and coleslaw (I really like coleslaw. REAAALLLYYY like) all your life. Why settle for something bad when you can get the best of the best? God CREATED music. It's like Chucks. Chuck Taylors? Converse, ya know? There are many people that copy Chucks. They vary them just enough to the point where they look almost exactly the same, but have no copyright infringement (blah blah blah and so on) and can sell. But in the end, they don't hold up. They fall apart, they look like crap, they're just NOT chucks. You get the good stuff with Chucks. The original. The shoe that cannot be surpassed by any off-brand. They're classic. CLASSIC.
Like worship music. That's where music came from. But it's been twisted to a point where we can sing about kissing girls and making good girls go bad and sell like it's sliced bread. It's sad.
I want coleslaw, not some lame side dish of lame bland potato salad served at a rainy block party. Why settle for bread when you can have cake? Why live in a crappy house when you have the kind of money to live in the best house there is?
Nothing is holding us back. Nothing! Who wants a fake copy of God's pure, untainted worship? Why settle for the enemy's poor excuse for music when you can receive a song from the big man himself?
That's what I don't understand.
I want to walk in all that God has for me.
Unending. Bottomless. It goes on forever.
When I tell God that, the shadow proves the sunshine. To earn the sunshine, you have to face the shadow. The darkness comes before the dawn. Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.
Not even an hour ago, I was faced with the age old doubtful Lovely question:
"Why ____, God?"
the blank could be me, it could be him, it could be us...but fill in the blank with any subject, and I've probably said it.

Yet all He says is "I have great plans in store for you, My child, if only you knew."

I'd rather not go blind or have my head explode or something, so I'm kinda just leaving it all up to God. No, no, I'm JUST leaving it all up to God. It's gonna be difficult...believe me, it's already been difficult. But I'm going to get through this, he's going to get through this, and God is going to be the rock we stand on. Not just the rock we run to when the earth starts to shake and the mountains crumble, but the one we stand firm upon from the beginning.
I'm ready to stand firm. To never look back on my decision to become a lily from being a thorn. To walk in all that He has in store for me. To hand over my past, my present, and my future, to the Author of it all.

Thanks for listening, guys. I love you.

p.s.- I find it EXTREMELY cool that I posted this exactly at midnight. I just have that kinda skill!


  1. Leah, I truly truly love everything about your posts. And not just that in itself, but I also admire your constant strive for purity. There's no doubt that others see it, and are encouraged because of it.

    p.s. Do you mean the Cupid Shuffle? I don't know, maybe there's a Cuban one too =)

  2. So I really love this post. In fact, it's probably one of my favorite! Just a little hard to read with the white on the black!

  3. That's awesome Leah! And yes god will bring you out of this!
    Ha I didn't even go to homecoming this year. I feel so... Impure? Those dances...
    In London we HAD to go to dances and they were horrible! Going to dances with kids across America and who live in the UK was all messed up. It's crazy what type of people you get. It was bad haha!
    see you tonight!!!
