
You try until you can't

You laugh until you cry,
you cry until you laugh,
and everyone must breathe
until their dying breath.

Well. I'm at a loss for words, and have been since the last blog. I've tried writing...really, I have! But it's just...difficult. There's one verse that reminds me of that idea.
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to tear and a time to mend,
 a time to be silent and a time to speak,
That's in Ecclesiastes, if you didn't already know that. I've been finding out about both of them. I had to throw away my panda WWF shirt because it's falling apart at the seams. It's pilling (getting those gross round things on it) so it's not worth mending anyway. I was rather sad.
I'm also the person that seems to have something to say...ALL the time. As my theatre teacher has said "You know, Leah, we never have to guess what you're thinking. You just tell us"
And I think that's nice, that I'm an open person, but there's a lot to me people don't know. Sure, Sydney may know things, Aundi may know things, Sonia might have knowledge on a thing or two, but only God and I know everything about me.
Actually, I don't know everything about me. God knows everything. Which is pretty awesome. He's like the ultimate best friend. That's beyond awesome.
So I've been finding verses I've known since half past forever, but I'm finding new meaning to them. Like the Ecclesiastes verses I've mentioned above! I used to just say "oh, cool, seasons, great" but now it's like...each season is carefully planned. Each word, carefully thought out by God, just...works.
Back to my theatre teacher quote. It's like my thought to word ratio is probably...10:1. I think a LOT. And a lot of them are random thoughts. Like wondering what it would be like if I was a chicken. Or if I was deaf. Random things like that.
And then there's Philippians 4:8...I actually bought my friend a shirt from the Family Christian Bookstore for her birthday like five years ago that said WHATEVER all glittery three times and then had the other stuff underneath. It was pretty sweet. Anyway. To the verse.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
What caught me this time was the "whatever is lovely" part...lovely. That's me. Lovely. Or at least, that's what I'm destined to be. I've had my challenge going for about a week to have all 100% days. To make them 100, actually. Because bad things will happen. But there are things that I can ruminate on that make them SO much better. Like, take for example, waking up early. It sucks, as most of you would probably guess! But at least I'm able to sleep.
So my other challenge is to get rid of random thinking. To focus on God alone, and I know it's going to be hard. Like when I'm showering, when I'm falling asleep, when I'm waiting outside for something to happen...I'll just praise Him, ya know?
I guess that's all I wanted to say. I want to be lovely always. The words aren't really coming anymore so...catch you on the flip side!

I love you all. PSAT tomorrow. Woop de NOT!


  1. I was like that some years ago. I always thought random things and then I'd lose focus in God. I just kept praying that God would help me focus and help me keep my mind on what he would think about and not just the Michelle crazy weird random thoughts. It really helped. Sure I still think random thoughts but then I get focused again and it isn't that hard anymore.

  2. I definitely think that is my problem. My mind tends to wonder a million different directions and can't sort it out. At Friday night prayer the other day Ryan was talking about focusing on God more and I was like: "wow.. that's ME"
    it was pretty cool anyway.
    Lovely post, lovely girl.
    Double whammy
    -Sydney (not that anonymous)
