

Well, it's been a good/bad/ugly day. You know? I had a bad headache since I woke up this morning. It disappeared mid-afternoon, and I was rather happy. You have to understand that I don't get migraines. At all. AND my teeth hurt. Like...on random days my teeth will just start hurting.
I know I start a lot of thoughts with "Can i just say?" but...
Can I just say that Brooke Fraser is like my hero? I mean, Aundi IS my hero, but Brooke Fraser is like my hero. Mostly because I want to be like her.
Anyway. It's been a day that's tested my endurance and patience in many places.
You know how everybody ALWAYS says "Good things come to those who wait?"
Yeah I better be getting some pretty dang good things! It seems as if I'm waiting for everything. While at the same time, I'm learning to be content with the present conditions before everything explodes goodness on me. Like the people that are anxious for school to start in like mid-July...they're like "I want school to start!"
but right when they get there they realize how much they appreciate summer.
And I'm feeling this way with guitar. I'm SO glad that God's put this kind of calling on me, but learning guitar is some hard stuff! Literally. I was complaining about my blisters a few weeks ago. They hurt, but they looked alright. Now my blisters are all peeling and they just look oh-so-delightful! But it is funny to see people's reactions when they see my fingers...like "WHAT DID YOU DO?"
"Oh I was playing guitar"
And I'm learning the song I wrote...which is getting a little difficult. Like I was in the guitar lesson with Justin, and a couple times I went "AH!!!!" and just kinda sighed. But it's in those times when I remember what God told me. Word for word, almost. It's like "Well, I'm pretty sure God's not wrong. Actually, I KNOW he's not wrong. I KNOW that for a fact! He's NEVER wrong!"
And then I get all excited and just want to play my guitar and worship. That's another reason I'd like to learn. Because I can NEVER give God enough praise. NEEEVVVEEERRR!
There are so many levels I'm growing on. Not just juniors jeans (eek! not really. I hope.), but spiritually. Like Aundi's put it before...it's just an addiction. Like, we look for SO many answers at first, but then we're kinda just sitting in the classroom saying "teach me something!" from the Almighty Teacher!

On another note. We have vocab every week, right? One of last week's words was "inconcievable."
I knew what inconcievable meant, I had heard the word, but when I read the definition I was like "God."
just like that. God. That's what I thought. Then I went to pre-calc, and Taylor talked about her experience scuba diving. She said that if you're afraid of water at ALL, don't go scuba diving.
And that reminded me of God again. We can't just dip our feet in and decide that scuba diving isn't for us. We have to DIVE in. Just dive into the never ending love of God! The inconcievable depths of God. We may have to let go of land, of what we think to be stable and what we know, but when we lose what seems to be everything, we find SO MUCH MORE!
We find an inconcievable amount of things. Love. Peace. Joy. Compassion. Truth. Humility.
And the thing is, we don't have to be patient to recieve God. You just...decide. In that second. It's kind of like something I said a looonnngg time ago in a blog post--
"this moment will never happen again"
It's trippy to think about. Like bam. That second was just there and gone. Yet compared to eternity, it's nothing.

For my last thought: Yahweh. I think that's my new favorite word. I think I wrote a blog (how many times do I say this per post? Too many) a while ago about how I learned that when Lord is written like LORD, it means Yahweh. All-powerful God. Not just the daddy-father we think of Him as, but the One that holds the world in His hands. The Creator. The Beginning and the End!
I could go on FOREVER with His names. Which I tend to do a LOT actually! It's kinda strange.

Anyway. If you haven't listened to Faith + Hope + Love by Hillsong, DO IT. Listen to "Yahweh" especially.

42. Beat somebody at air hockey. (Which has actually never happened)

I beat Nicholas Tealer 7-6. Once. Needless to say he's beaten me other times. Rather badly. But once is just enough!!!


  1. Ironic because two days ago I picked up the Faith+Hope+Love cd a Walmart, but unfortunately I did not have any money to purchase it =(, but I had that word in my mind for quite a while. What's even more ironic is that the day before that, I was reading in Psalms and I saw the word Yahweh, so I looked it up. Funny how things you're newly introduced to seem to come back over and over again.. That's just the way God tries to tell us to focus on something.

    *ewww gross I just swatted a gnat with my hand and now I regret it*

  2. Stupid headaches!
    But I was reading in Genesis and it used the word Yahweh and I just think that is interesting because whenever I read something or think about god, it always comes back around whether it be in something someone says or an action. Thanks Leah!
