

Man. Nothing to say.
Or more like...so much to say. I keep thinking about the same thing I'd like to write a blog about when I'm walking from fifth to sixth period in front of the office. It's crazy. Yet I can never remember when it comes to writing. Dang.
Hmmm....well, I'll be sure to write down my good ideas.
I'd tell you how bad yesterday was, but....
okay okay. I'll tell you how bad yesterday was.
First period- off.
I woke up in a relatively good mood, thanks to "Lead Me to the Cross" as my wake-up-ringtone.
Showered.  Relatively normal.
I decided yesterday wasn't a pretty day. So I sprayed the crap out of my hair and put it in a bun, which looked relatively cute for being ugly. Because I added the bow and all. Bows make anything cute...within reason.
Pre-second period: I go to the library to print out my conclusion. I forgot to save it as an attachment to my email that I emailed myself, since our printer is broken and all.  That was great.
Second period: "Get out your vocab books" "CRAP." Not only did I forget to bring my vocab book, I forgot to do it COMPLETELY. So we answer in a circle, right? Like we sit and a circle and go in a line to say the answers. So I'd say "pass" with a smile everytime. It made my teacher laugh. Every time. She then comes around to see our conclusions...so I say "Long story short, I don't have it"
and she says "Well today just isn't your day, now is it?"
No, Mrs. O'Connell, it wasn't.
Third period: Chemistry. Lab partner likes to feel sorry for himself, says he's going to drive off of a bridge. Well, considering there are no major bridges around here, I wasn't too worried. I'd visit him in the hospital. Chemistry was pretty uneventful..
Fourth period: FREEZING COLD AS ALWAYS. Heather also wasn't there...eye appointment. Heather Hunsaker is like my history goddess. She always keeps me entertained. We started a three/four day long movie, which is a HECK YESSS for a lazy person like me.
Fifth period: Pre-calc. Oh joy of joys, right? Math. Nuff said. STILL freezing cold.
Sixth period: Guitar. So I walk up to the guitar room, when Robert Moroni (the demon seed of atheism and all that is perverted) says "OH Leah I borrowed your guitar here ya go." Oh gee, Robert, thanks. Not only that, but I get in the class, unzip my case, and start to play.
Wait a second. This doesn't sound right
"Leah T you're up next"
Oh wait. He tuned it three half-steps lower. THANKS ROBERT. Not only am I unprepared to perform my song, but I also have to FRICKIN RE-TUNE MY GUITAR.
At this point, I was about five minutes from crying or punching somebody in the face. Not only that, but this classroom is ALSO very cold. I performed, got a 95, long story short. It was good.
Lunch. HALLELUJAH. I explain everything I've just said in about fifteen minutes, with innate detail about being rejected as a date/friend/friend-date.
Seventh period: Spanish- sucky. As usual. Our teacher teaches us nothing then yells at us when we fail tests; however, I didn't fail this one! I got a B.
Eighth period: Theatre. Pretty chill and all. I'm never really mad at theatre. Except for Mike Powell who's dumb and thinks he's the stuff.
After school: makeup training. Oh wait, I'm the ONLY ONE who wasn't told that it was moved to Wednesday! I could've gone home. No, I stayed for about a half hour. Sat through the other crew meeting.

I decide to eat vanilla frozen yogurt with pieces of peach. Yum-tastic! Then I was like Oh I'm gonna watch the Lion King. I decided instead to do homework and start on my paper.
There we go. Procrastinator Leah was defeated. Or at least delayed.
And then I decided I would listen to "You Belong With Me" just because i'm starting to like that song.
Then I remember that no real story ends like Taylor Swift's videos. The whole "bad day" thing comes back, RIGHT when I'm writing my essay. So I'm sitting there, trying to not to cry because I feel sorry for myself. Oh yeah, pleasant place to be. Writing about fast food, holding back tears, listening to Taylor Swift. Best night of my life. NOT.
Again, I'm a crier. Just the way I am.
So that was my day. I woke up today to the same ringtone and decided that it would be good no matter what was thrown at me.
It worked fairly well! I think we should live everyday like that. Or at least, I should. Because when I'm unpleasant, I'm UNPLEASANT. Legit.
And then Molly texted me mid-morning a scripture, which makes me love her more than I already do, which is nearly impossible.
"...You will walk in a manner worth yof the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all power according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience"
-Colossians 1:10-11
I gotta say that it's been one of those times where I don't feel like being myself. It's like in the Sims. When you get sick of one family, when things get to complicated, you just start another one.
Nope. Real life here, dorky Leah.

So that's my rant for the day. My tangent, if you will.

I love you all.

And my last bucket list item didn't work out at all...yet. There's still next year! and prom. And homegoing.


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