
I wanna wake up kicking and screaming

I don't actually wanna wake up kicking and screaming. I think Hannah would become a little freaked out.
So, as I've told you before, my blogs are provoked by a verse and/or a conversation, a song lyric, a book I've read...
this time it's a conversation and a song lyric.
In eighth grade, we had to find a quote to put next to our picture in the yearbook. On days in the tech lab where we were supposed to look for quotes, I'd usually just look up Jerry Seinfeld quotes and laugh about them.
But Elijah gave me a suggestion, and it just hit me. It's like when you KNOW something is just...perfect. It feels right. Like when you're in the mood for music, and you just go through shuffle until a song just sounds right. It matches your mood.

"The shadow proves the sunshine"

This point in my life was when none of the shadows had hit. Or like, you know on a really windy day the shadows from the clouds come and go in a matter of seconds? It was like that.
And with that, I've realized that God has a sense of humor. I mean, this quote foreshadowed the events of the three/four years after that.
Yet I'm perfectly okay with that. The shadows have been pretty giant some of the time, but the sunshine has been even bigger! And I LOVE that. God's been using the shadows in my life for me to learn that the sunshine is just SO worth it!

I tend to be a rather sentimental person. This usually makes it a little bit harder for me to get over things, but somehow, I always do. It's like the clouds on a windy day. They're there, but they'll blow over sooner or later. We don't live in Seattle or something!
So...that's my rant for today.

Oh and random thing before I go. Has anybody noticed the background of my title? It's a sky. With some grass. And a tree. After editing the picture to fit and putting it up, I noticed something. There's a little girl sitting beneath the tree.
It's like this GIIIAAANNTTT, old tree....with a little girl sitting beneath it. The tree has lived quite a while, but this little girl is just beginning to learn what life really holds.
I'd like to think of God as the tree. Not just the tree, but the ENTIRE landscape...and then there I am. A little piece. A little girl sitting underneath a vast, blue sky.
Limitless possibilities!!!

I love you all. See most of you tomorrow!

33. Get a bible with my name engraved in it (dude. totally)


  1. I love that quote. I need to live by it!

  2. Love you Leah! This quote is totally one of my favorites now that you talked to me about it yesterday. I think it was yesterday. My days of the week are terrible. =]

  3. I love the quote! And oh my goodness! I never noticed the little girl! That is so cool!
