
Please not this time / no not this time

Dang. I never knew TGIF could so aptly apply to how i'm feeling RIGHT NOW!
So you wanna know what I've realized? I'm happy. I'm content with my life right now, even if it's not all I ever wanted.
My homework for Theatre III last night was to find something that represented me. If I could choose one thing, it would be THIS.
I immediately thought of my spiderman belt...for many reasons, but one stuck out in my mind.
It's not very old...maybe a year and a half, not even. But it's worn. It's been put through the wash, left on the floor, crammed into drawers, scratched by miscellaneous objects...it's been through a lot; yet it still as just as awesome as the day I bought it.
I think that's how I am. I'm not old, but I've experienced things. Some were my fault, some weren't at all. But through this, I haven't lost value. I've gained more value, more experience...I'm not as innocent and sparkly-clean as I used to be, but I've become SO much more wise.
Something strange--I bought this belt for $2.46. FINAL clearance at kohls. Anybody knows that when you shop clearance at kohls, at LEAST forty million people have the exact same thing.
But what's weird is that I've never seen a belt like this since then.
For being such a screaming deal, NOBODY I've seen has this belt.
I was born with a lot of value. The world was my oyster, I had all the potential. As I've grown up, I've become somebody that seems to have attained quirks that just WORK for me. In my favor, I mean. But with the perks, there are the...err....non-perks.
I think God's been trying to tell me that even though I may not be at a high price, my value is just...ginormous.
This belt was $2.46...I would've easily paid MUCH more for this. Though the price was extremely low, the value was...crazy high. I wouldn't give this belt for anything. Okay maybe like hundreds of dollars.
There are just a ton of other reasons I picked this, one of them being that I love Marvel heroes, such as spider-man.
One girl brought a giant bag of Trix for hers...she was the only one to "show and tell" today. She used them to say that she's fragile, she switches cliques often, she's fun and outgoing, she likes trix, and her favorite color is green (she had many green ones in there on purpose).
She looked like she was about to cry when she was talking about being fragile. Man. Intense moment.

I'm sorry I just deleted this massive paragraph that went in the place of this sentence, but I'm awful confused right now. I love you, though.

Well, on a final note...I love you guys.
-LL 28. Find an in-tact old school pink power rangers costume--and buy it.
29. Wear said costume around for an entire day.

(I figured I would put both because they go together)

1 comment:

  1. Leah, i love your symbolism.. it always makes me think of things differently. And I must say, Kohls final clearance is the way to go =)
