Anyway. Wow. Today was really short...but I felt like it was a year long at the same time. Yeah, no, I'm not on drugs. But it's like SO much went on in the course of a day! It just doesn't....feel right.
And while I was driving (okay, okay, riding. minor technicality. get over it) I was like whoa. It's almost September 2009. Then I realized that I remember September 2001 like it was yesterday. I was 8. That was 8 years ago.
Yet in eight years, I'll be 24. Can I just say that's CRAZY? Eight years later I'll be 32. Needless to say you all can count. You learned to do so around the age of eight! But...back to when I was thinking and riding.
Like the ones I've supplied you a picture of. THEY'RE JUST SO FRICKIN ADORABLE!
I was replaying this conversation in my head of how they'll only wear them for like two seconds but those two seconds will be the CUTEST two seconds of my life. Two seconds. Gah!
And I was like whoa. Why am I thinking about future children? This is a little crazy. Then I was like "well other teenage girls have already practically named their children!" oh wait...I kinda have been thinking about that too.
But it's totally okay. As long as it's not an obsession. God has put this desire in my heart since I was little. In my little photo album of my childhood, there are many-a-picture where I'm seen holding baby dolls. I NEVER mistreated my baby dolls. They were never left on the ground. They were carefully cared for and slept with me in my bed.
I guess you could say that Psalm 37:4 is my scripture reference for this blog post...mainly because it's the first one I thought of.
I'm constantly learning to delight myself in the Lord. To follow His ways, to obey His commands, to walk on His path. Sure, I may slip, I may mishear, but in the end, I'm striving towards eternity. Perhaps even destiny. No, definitely destiny. You could call me desperate! (reference to Sonia's blog. Like how sneaky I was?)
But at the same time, I'm kind of shying back from pursuing my future with such intensity. Living in such simplicity is just...nice.
Can I tell you something that's really getting me miffed today? I like to hold doors for people. Even if I'm in a hurry, it makes somebody else's day that much better. I figure if chivalry is dead, feminism can't go with it. Then there'd be nothing left! So I was holding the door for my entire AP Lang class to the tech lab. 319 U. So these two girls, Abby and Haley, walk by and Haley kinda says "thank you" so I say "you're welcome" because that's just the right thing to do, right? Apparently they weren't talking to me. So they pointed and laughed. What are we, eight? Really? I hold a door open for you, out of the goodness of my heart, and you don't say thank you. And even when I think you're saying thank you, you LAUGH at me. Laughing? Really? You may not be eight, but we're not in middle school anymore, dearies.
I was telling Sydney that I like to make people smile. When in reality, I just like to make people happy. If they're happy, I'm happy. I like it when people try to make me happy, try to make me happy, laugh even.
Sometimes doing this is easier than others. Like Sydney, me patting her back made her happy. It was comforting, and she appreciated it. While somebody else would be equally happy after being given a gift. It's obviously easier to give a comforting pat...but it's the thought that somebody puts into this action that counts.
So when I have my children with cute little vans slip ons and adorable faux-hawks, I'll teach them to hold doors for people...ESPECIALLY the ones that laugh. That could be the one thing that makes their day easier.
Oh well. Maybe I'll just walk in the door tomorrow and point and laugh at them. Wouldn't that just be FUNNY? RIGHT RIGHT? "MOMMY MOMMY CAN I? Right after I finish my addition homework and laugh at people for doing nice things?"
36. Get a girl's hair into a perfect mohawk (shampoo and glue, i've heard)
I must say Leah, you're children will be absolutely adorable with faux-hawks =)