
I will live a child in awe of You

Well I didn't write a blog last night...sorry guys =P
There are wayyyy too many reasons to explain why I didn't...even though half of my followers don't frequent blogspot too much...and the two people that got me hooked haven't posted in SIX WEEKS! SIX! WEEKS!
Anyway. If you have eyes, you noticed that there was a massive storm last night!
And I knew WAY too many people caught in this storm somewhere, trying to get home. Yet I was just sitting in my room in front of the window, watching it pour.
See, my sister has this whole irrational fear of storms. Tornadoes, thunder storms, hurricane (even though we live in Colorado?)...you name it.
These are the questions I heard multiple times last night:
"Mom, mom what part of Denver are we?"
"Mom, mom, mom is the storm coming towards us?"
"Mom MOM are we under that red cloud on the weather channel?"
"Is our house gonna be struck by lightning, Mom?"
Well gee Hannah sorry!
She may sound like she's 4, and she definitely acts like she's 4 during a storm, but she's 13.
I happen to LOVE storms. There's nothing like a good storm to remind you how powerful and awesome the God of the universe is!
And during storms it's just a...habit(?) to pray in tongues. Because I really don't know what to pray. Part of me is afraid, hoping that nothing will go wrong, nobody will lose power, none of the people I know caught out in the storm are...umm...not...doing well?
And the other part of me just stands and watches in awe. God is just so AWESOME! There's nothing so terrifying yet so beautiful at the same time.
And every time we get a storm like that, I fall asleep. I fall asleep to the sound of rain anyway, but there's just something about the sound of REAL rain that puts me to sleep faster than ever.
We wake up the next morning and it's like nothing happened. Like a dream that you have trouble remembering because it was so...out there.

So I'll probably write another blog tonight, maybe a short one. Wahoo!
Okay. And I have to put a picture on here that's the FUNNIEST thing I've ever seen!
Below is Matt D (gay Matt, who's apparently straight?) and Joe Jonas. Please realize the similarities immediately.
so I actually did this through photoshop. And I was trying to make Matt D look a tad tanner, because he just looks SO WHITE! But the eyebrows are completely real.
I've actually heard that Aundi has a thing for Joe Jonas-eyebrows. Oh ho ho Aundi, do you have an interest in gay guys that are actually straight, too?



  1. i loved that storm! I was just sitting on my front porch watching the rain spill from the gutters. it was wonderful.

  2. First off....I almost died in that storm AND our power went out too! Wowy wow wow WOW!!!!! And second off....Joe Jonas is pretty hot but I mean...come on Leah hahahahahahahahaha and I ALMOST laughed my pants off...SO CLOSE!!!

  3. Hahahaha Leah you make me laugh! I am like Hannah too, kinda. Storms terrify me. I always start praying nonstop that everyone is safe. I also always grab something that means a lot to me. Last night I grabbed my Bible and notebook. Yes, I can be a BIG baby when it comes to
    Thunderstorms and everything else.


  4. I would like to say. I have updated.

    And. Does Matt know you did this?
    It is amazing. HEHEHE.
