
Pardon me, your epidermis is showing, sir...

I remember Elijah explaining that lyric to me and how it was funny.
"Wait Lija, why would it be funny that you can see his skin?"
Let me say a little tidbit of Lovely's thoughts as of right now.
At the age of 16, I'm becoming more of a child.
Weird, right?
Wanna know what I did today? Course you do!
First....I had a dream about this weird frog thing...along with a dream about Justin running after my car to give me bread I forgot in some oven. But whatever. That's irrelevant. I had a dream about a FROG. And I was stupefied at how awesome it looked!
For lunch, I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I used to hate peanut butter and jelly because I had to eat it EVERY SINGLE DAY, but I'm getting back into them. Mainly because they're the only kinda sandwich that isn't a dicken to get out of my braces. But they're just so...classic. And I just sat there alone and ate my sandwich.
I went to walmart with my mom. We ended up in the little girly aisle, and I was looking at barbies. If I had all the money in the world, I would've bought one. Because they have these retro barbies from 1967, 1971, 1977, and 1981, I think. Like they're LEGIT. So legit that they're $40. But the 80s one was extremely tempting.
So I left walmart barbie-less. My mom is really miffed about the blank, burned, and random CDs allover her office desk, so I had to organize them. Whilst I was doing this, my old Darby My Dalmation CD-ROM appeared.
I used to play this game with Lija when I was 5 or 6...It's about Darby, a dalmation. And you play games...that's pretty much it. Color or something. Play this xylophone and make a baby laugh. One time Elijah did something REALLY funny on Darby (I don't remember what) and I spit out my water ALL OVER my computer screen. I have a tendancy to laugh when I drink, so I'm careful now.
Not to mention to this day we're still not allowed to have liquids within 3 feet of the computer. ...ten years later, I know.
After finding this lost childhood relic, I found the album Jesus Freak. Whenever I hear anything dcTalk, I think of my Aunt Jenn. Lija and I used to sleepover at her house and listen to "Jesus Freak" and "Colored People" with the volume up and the windows down on the way there.
She was kind of our "cool aunt" that let us eat cheetos and drink orange soda...
which both ended up in the carpet of her apartment one time, due to my little eight-year-old stomach's dislike to massive amounts of crap.

Yeah I heard it was still there when she moved out. Oops.
She was pretty much my Jesus Freak model. She TRULY was a Jesus Freak.
My Aunt would give us the WWJD bracelets, and even the cool ALIEN ones! You know, the Romans 12:2, Jeremiah 30:17 kinda Christian. An alien. The outcast. I wish I still had those bracelets!
So that's how my day reminded me of childhood. All I need to do is watch Saturday morning cartoons and play The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog with my brother and it'd be complete.
Maybe put on my pink powerrangers outfit..
which makes me bummed, because I don't know what happened to that costume. It was frickin SWEET. Lija had a matching red one. Anyway.
And even spiritually I'm returning to my childhood. To the child-like wonder, the relentless pursuit of God's answers, the minor disappointments and the major rewards, realizing that JESUS LOVES YOU! Being unashamed to let the world know that I HAVE JESUS IN MY HEART!--truly being a Jesus Freak, not just through WWJD bracelets and dcTalk cds in my stereo...but through my words and actions.
I mean...seriously. I want to show the love of God. To let him love through me...
and a while ago (couple weeks, maybe) I was reading Jeremiah. And to me, Jeremiah is God saying "Guys. You haven't been following me. The fall of Judah will be a result of your actions"asdfGod punished people in the Bible quite often...but recently I've realized he did EVERYTHING because he loved them SO MUCH!
For example: My sister gets her phone "shut off" when my parents don't agree with her actions. We used to get spankings as kids for lying.
My parents did this because they loved us. To let us know that such behavior was unacceptable. They loved us enough to grin and bear it through the difficult times when we misbehaved. But they did it so that we would grow up to be upstanding Christians, knowing that lying is not cool, being disrespectful will get you nowhere, and TRULY forgiving is the only way to go. That's how much my parents love me.
So like my parents, God punished his people because He loved them. There are numerous stories you could question the love of God with! But every time, you'll realize that He does everything about love.
When God was describing Himself to Moses, he first described himself as compassionate. That takes some MAJOR love. Only the love of God.
How do all of my blogs end up talking about love?
Oh well.

More from the Lovely later.
WAIT WAIT. In third grade, right before math, we'd always do madlibs. You know, adjective, multiple noun, verb, blah blah?
My favorite adjective was "lovely". That or "awesome"....but that's not the point. Nine out of ten times I'd raise my hand for adjectives and yell "LOVELY!" It's funny seeing God's hand throughout my life, ya know? I love it!

NOW more from me later.


almost forgot.
Lovely's list:
#3 Name something Edgar. (It's an infatuation)


  1. haha, these post crack me up. As for the Barbie thing, i totally agree. I always go int the barbie isle (lame as it is) and am like, hey, mom, i want one of those!

  2. TobyMac!! That's kickin it old school.. and nothing compares to the joy of madlibs =)
