
The surveys we all know and love.


First thing you wash in the shower?
My hair? I don't really know. I think I'm on autopilot in the shower. Isn't that weird?

What color is your favorite hoodie?
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
No. I really wouldn't.
Do you plan outfits?
For church, all the time!
How are you feeling RIGHT now?
Tired. Sunburned. Stupid.
Whats the closest thing to you thats red?
My phone =]
Do you say aim or a-i-m?
a-i-m. That's what it is. If you say AIM, you're....dumb.

Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
I don't think I want to. I have very strange dreams.

Did you meet anybody new today?
Actually yes! Quite a few people.

What are you craving right now?
nothing. I'm actually wanting to brush my teeth...is that a craving?

Do you floss?
Rarely. With braces it's a pain in the butt. A BIG pain in the butt.

What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
Cabbage stew. I don't know why. Or bunnies. ...because they like cabbage?

When was the last time you talked on aim?
Probably like beginning of freshman year

Are you emotional?
Dude...If you know me, you KNOW I'm emotional.

Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
Hmm....I bite and then lick. I think I'm more of a biter though.

Do you like your hair?

Do you like yourself?
That's a hard one to answer. Sometimes I really wish I was somebody else. Actually, I seem to do that a lot lately. But then I remember that I'm "fearfully and wonderfully made" in the image of God himself, and that he carefully considered and designed everything about me, and that he LOVES every "flaw" I have. So disliking myself is like telling God he didn't make me well enough.
Have you ever met a celebrity?
My mom's cousin is a broadway actres...and her husband was on the kid show Hi-5. So yes. I have.
What are you listening to right now?
Long Shot-Kelly Clarkson
Would you go sky diving?
If I'm not paying, HECK YEAH!
Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
Again, If I'm not paying, HECK YEAH! That would be probably one of the best days of my life. Not just everyday do you eat dinner with the last president.
Would you throw potatoes at him?
Ha ha if he threw potatoes at me, sure. But I wouldn't. I respect him much more than that.
Do you rent movies often?
Not at all.
Who sits in behind you in your math class?
Taylor Bakemeyer DID. But school's out fools!

32. Have you made a prank phone call?
I think once in like seventh grade. I'm bad at being a teenager, I know.
Can you count backwards from 74?
Who can't?
Brown or white eggs?
Ever been on a train?
I don't think so.
Ever been in love?
No. Not yet, anyway. You can call me a dreamer, but I KNOW I'll find love.

Do you have a cell-phone?
Indeedy I do.
Are you too forgiving?
What I lack for in forgetting, I make up for in forgiving. I think I'm quick to forgive.
Do you use chap stick?
Indeed. It's my life. I think it's the life and blood of Americans.

Can you use chop sticks?
I can!
Ever have cream puffs?
Rarely. But they're quite scrumptious.

Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
That's on my top ten movies list. Thank you for mentioning it, survey creator. I think I just might love you.
What was the last question you asked?
When are you coming home?
What was the last CD you bought?
Elijah bought me All I Ever Wanted.
What is your bus number for school?
My bus WAS 144.
Is your hair curly?
Last time you cried?
Last night.
Do looks matter?
I don't disregard them completely, but personality is king in this situation.
Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun?
INDEED! Not in a long long while though.
Have you ever slapped someone?
Maybe like a playful slap. Not a full on slap.

Favorite time of the year?
Favorite color?
Are you sarcastic?
Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
Dislike, I think so.
How often do you talk on the phone?
Maybe once every one or two days. Depends on the events of the week.

What is your favorite animal?
It's a tie between meerkats and giant squids. I figure if I have one land animal and one ocean creature, it creates balance, right?

Do you have good vision?
Can you hula hoop?
Could you ever forgive a cheater?
Well of course I'd forgive him, but I won't take him back.
Do you have a job?
no =[
Can you handle the truth?
Have you ever crawled through a window?
Hmm....probably. I don't know though.

-The Always Lovely Leah

1 comment:

  1. Love it Leah! I'm stealing this! =) don't worry, I'll give you credit! =)
